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Writing Tip #4

21 Aug

Drink tea. LOTS of tea. Tea is the writers best friend.

(Some writers also like hard liqour.)




The information in LEIGHBEESBUZZWORDS may be freely re-used in any online or offline publication, provided it is accompanied by the following credit line – “This information was written by Leigh Woolnough. It originally appeared in “LEIGHBEESBUZZWORDS” her blog, available at” Thank you.

Writing Tip #3

4 Jun

Make a scrap book. Collect pictures from magazines, newspapers or print interesting articles from the internet. Anything you find inspiring. Try to give each section a theme; location, people, animals, emotions. You may find one picture that is so significant it starts a new story!

Happy scribbling! 🙂

The information in LEIGHBEESBUZZWORDS may be freely re-used in any online or offline publication, provided it is accompanied by the following credit line – “This information was written by Leigh Woolnough. It originally appeared in “LEIGHBEESBUZZWORDS” her blog, available at” Thank you.

Writing Tip #2

23 May

Buy a bumper book of babies names. Sift through it looking at the meanings behind names to see which one best suits your character.
Or, find inspiration from a name you had forgotten, or never knew existed.

Happy scribbling 🙂

The information in LEIGHBEESBUZZWORDS may be freely re-used in any online or offline publication, provided it is accompanied by the following credit line – “This information was written by Leigh Woolnough. It originally appeared in “LEIGHBEESBUZZWORDS” her blog, available at” Thank you.

Writing Tip #1

21 May

Think of a colour. Any colour. Now, describe that colour WITHOUT using any other colour names.

Forcing our brain to think outside the box like this allows us to create unique and original descriptions. Apply this method when you’re next writing a description; go for the least obvious and most interesting choice.

Happy scribbling 🙂

The information in LEIGHBEESBUZZWORDS may be freely re-used in any online or offline publication, provided it is accompanied by the following credit line – “This information was written by Leigh Woolnough. It originally appeared in “LEIGHBEESBUZZWORDS” her blog, available at” Thank you.